Thursday, December 29, 2005
Merry CHRISTmas
Monday, November 28, 2005
over my head and under my feet
Psalm 106:1 “Give thanks to the Lord for HE IS GOOD, his love endures forever.”
I have been nothing short of miserable to be around this week. Our house is still under the nightmare that is actually called remodeling and my exhausted mom asked me to help clean and arrange things. Those of you, who know me, know that I am obsessed with cleaning. I am compulsive and fully aware that my behavior is probably symptomatic of some deeper heart issue to be discussed at a later time. I think it is the immediate satisfaction and results you get from cleaning. It is visibly messy and you can clean until it is perfectly spotless, pat yourself on the back and enjoy the work of your hands. All of that superfluous information was to explain why my attitude was unnecessary and surprising. I was picking things up and moving from room to room getting more frustrated and sincerely angry with every passing moment and wipe of a counter. I did what I said I would do and even more but I missed the whole point. I was giving my mom much UNNEEDED attitude and at the end of the day when I laid my head down on my pillow all I could think about was how sad the day had been. I am sad. Thanksgiving was fine. Fine and different. We had our dinner on Wednesday instead of Thursday and then my mom and I went to the Cowboy’s game with the Flemings (love you Flemings) and the boys went on to the deer lease. A beautiful distraction, which only prolonged and wrote out how my life is not the same as it was last year. I was sifting through the millions of thoughts that quickly spun a web that I got stuck in. As little tears spilt onto my pillow I finally saw the day for what it could have been. It could have been a day to bless my mom and to be a joy and place of sweet relief from the millions of things that have been plaguing her of late. I could have acknowledged that maybe SHE was having a difficult time this week. She cleaned out my dad’s closet and I couldn’t bring myself to see what she kept and what she decided to give to good will. Not yet. It is all just so seemingly final and permanent. So the short of the really long is that I all to often can’t see outside of myself to make the switch from burden to blessing. I know the importance of allowing myself to feel whatever honest emotion creeps in at that exact moment but sometimes those emotions are crippling and hard to do life with. I am sure there is some perfect balance, not an either or but rather both, feeling lots and living lots. At the end of the day I just had to tell the Lord that I wasn’t enough and that I trust that his grace is sufficient for my mom, just like it is for me. I prayed that he would carry her and bless her because I knew I hadn’t. I am not saying that it is my job or that I am even capable of healing my mom’s heart, I know that I am not. I am saying that I was disobedient to the Lord today and befriended my selfish flesh instead of my selfless spirit. I just feel so broken and lost in it all. I have felt this way before and I reminded and comforted in how our God knows nothing but faithfulness and goodness. He is constant and his perfect love will sustain me and drive out my every fear. I just need him tonight. I am restless and can’t sleep. I am driving back to school in the morning and will be spending time with my good friend…..45 south. Our time together often looks like me crying and it remains silent. It doesn’t have a voice but it manages to push all of my buttons. I want to hurt this road, like stomp on it or something, but I would only get more frustrated at how unaffected and unconcerned it is with my fragile heart and exposed weakness. The road wouldn’t respond to my rage and this would only frustrate me more. Have you ever known someone that speaks to non-living objects? Well if not, hi my name is Kim. Now you have. And in some twisted way this feels good, to scream at the cement beneath me. Make sense of it….and let me know.
The boys are doing well. Scott shot a huge deer this week and Todd sat last Tuesday for the first part of his CPA. They enjoyed their time away from the office. I am so proud of you two and I love you this much (I just stretched my arms out, no I really did.) I love you little family, blessed to do life with you each and undeserving of your sweet love that covers me like a blanket. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOOXXOXOXO
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Loving Loss
Caleb Carruth
"too good for me
our conversations weren't enough
shallow smile painted words and my selfish motives
passed my flawed defenses
a trial by fire
someday I will be free
and I know that this pain won't last forever
for it all will be a memory
I used to think I was deep
while staring into my shallow ends
the ends that justified my means
but I know I'm just like the others
falling when near the water
here I come to your feet and as I am my God save me
enter season's change another love is lost
and with the leaving of the weather's wind
another fragrance gone when will it end
but alas I love the loss"
What can I say? I look all around me and I am quickly sobered. A pastor dieing in the middle of a baptism in front of 800 people, an aunt in ICU, a little boy who is battling a “tummy bug” that we call cancer ( and the list goes on…Right now as you read this, there is probably a running list that is forming in your own mind of all the ‘stuff’ and people that you know of who are in hospitals and valleys. And yet we claim our God is good? Why? How? Because HE IS. I was running this morning and the Lord and I were talking. I was telling him that it doesn’t feel like eight months since my dad went to be with him. Eight months is still just an arms length away and the reality that eight months and five days ago I was sitting in a hospital room doing a cross word puzzle and watching a movie curled up in his bed with him is ever so real. Are we really that mortal? One second I am here and have a pulse and the next I could be returning to the dust that I ultimately came from. And still, he makes my life of value and significance IN HIM. With him I have the privilege of being apart of something bigger than myself, bigger than death. And he also brought It to my attention today that if I hadn’t tasted pain on this earth then I wouldn’t long for my eternal home like I do now, just like if I hadn’t come to grips with my inadequacies then I wouldn’t find myself begging him to do a work in my heart. I can’t but HE can (AND IS), I am nothing and he is more than enough. My cup is empty, not a drop to be found, but HIS overflows and fills mine. Everyday the depraved and wayward human I am, needs to be reminded of how disposable and futile my day will be if it isn’t spent investing in eternal things, things unseen, if it isn’t spent seeking Him. O God, save me from myself.
MORE THAN CONQUERORS (if you have some extra time today read Romans 8 but here is just a small exert, this spoke much needed truth into this week for me….)
Romans 8: 28-38
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called, those he called he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all-how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justified. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died-MORE THAN THAT, who was raised to life-is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” NO IN ALL THESE THINGS WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH HIM WHO LOVED US. FOR I AM CONVINCED THAT NEITHER DEATH NOR LIFE, NEITHER ANGELS NOR DEMONS, NEITHER THE PRESENT NOR THE FUTURE, NOR ANY POWERS, NEITHER HEIGHT NOR DEPTH, NOR ANYTHING ELSE IN ALL CREATION, WILL BE ABLE TO SERPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD THAT IS IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD.”
Monday, October 31, 2005
All it took was about five short minutes for me to find a comfort that only comes in the midst of old friends. Melissa Reyes and Meredith Carmichael are two of my roommates from last year. Melissa is all grown up (Melissa I have a smirk on my face as I say that) and in the working world and Meredith is finishing up her last year of college. Meredith and I crashed her parents Astro’s party with full intentions of leaving but we were having so much fun we forewent the plans of leaving and partook in the adult evening! Meredith and I got to share sweet time in the car on the way back and forth, and with Melissa’s insightful question came a million tears that I apparently had been saving just for her. All in all it was a perfect evening…. There was a lot of laughing, some overdue tears, a ceremony that required us to burn artifacts of life past and rich conversation that lingered into the wee hours of the morning. When I see Melissa and Meredith, I don’t merely see a graduated working girl and an old roommate. I look just below the surface, and I find that they are the same sweet girls that they always have been, back when we shared a refrigerator, a mailbox, and a porch swing. I love you two so very much. Thanks for being such special and irreplaceable friends in my life.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13
A far away friend sent me a song, unknowing of the the tender place my heart has rested today. I listened to it and then I listened to it again… and then again. Basically I have been feeling inadequate and frustrated all week because of a test I took and wasn't ready for, because of time I wish I had to spend with people rather than my books (not Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia- but text books), with a heart that might be the definition of divided because I feel the need to fill a role within my family that is hard to do being geographically located in College Station and the ever so fun circular process of not feeling like I am enough, not having enough time in the day to do all of the things on my list of things to do only to discover that I am in fact NOT enough, leading me right back to my knees asking God to be all of the things I cannot, was not and never will be. All of that to say I came back to a starting point tonight that entailed the Lord essentially screaming the message "accept that which is real because even though parts of it will hurt I KNOW NOTHING BUT GOODNESS or choose to go through the motions and miss out on my glory, reality, and the work I long to do in your heart." The Lord presented me with these two choices a long time ago, when my dad was still here and I was taking a full load of school and somehow spending four out of the seven nights of the week at home in Rockwall by his bed or in his hospital room. I wanted to brave the storm on my own not burdening those around me, to appear strong and all together. Well, I am literally grinning as I write this because the Lord knew it would only be a matter of time before I met my breaking point and would fall to my face in total and complete desperation. We all have a breaking point. My knees are what I fell on, in a puddle of grace is where I landed, and it would be in this puddle that I would find my sanity and peace of mind. This puddle of grace would be my home and only hope. I am still in the puddle and sometimes I try to stand up on my own, dry myself off and walk away but I always end up back there. I thought I had loved so purposefully and I thought that I valued people and relationships. I thought I knew what true happiness was and I thought I had tasted, for the most part, the depths of how capable I was of loving others. I thought wrong. It wasn't t until the Lord ripped what I called sacred out of my hands right in front of me, that I was woken up to the reality of life, true love, and choosing to see what the Lord was really doing instead of trying to fit His will into My agenda. This was the subtle difference of choosing the eternal (Him) over the temporal (Me and my best laid plans). I could go through the motions and keep busy, and choose to be blind. In this way of living and self-preservation I won't be as susceptible to being hurt and I won’t be as effected by the stuff that wounds us and then leaves remnants behind of relentless pain like fallen debris in the aftermath of a violent storm. I might acquire earthly wealth and I might like that stuff. Some call this way of living wise...(if one never plays the game, then one never is at risk of being exposed as a failure) and others call it safe . I call it numb and void of true meaning. I call it cowardly, and a life that does not involve risk and vulnerability is not the life that Christ lived or died for. Am I glad that my dad isn't here? Of course not because I am a selfish human who would want to withhold heaven from him so he could be with me a little longer but I am glad that he is truly living and dwelling in a body that is no longer sick. I am also glad that in the hardest time of my life the Lord gave me the privilege of seeing life for what it really is, to show me how to live and not just go through the motions because I am frozen with fear like a nail in a wall or even worst am just so selfish that I can'’t live for anything else but my own selfish ambitions and vain conceits, for the opportunity to play an irreplaceable role in a story infinitely greater than myself. A privileged time indeed. Isn't he real? Isn't our home an eternal one? Am I taking any of this crap that promises to fill but really only leaves me less satisfied with me? Would I really rather not be transparent so people “think" I have it all together, all the while I am slowly dieing on the inside? Would I really choose not to love because the more I let someone in, the greater I will feel their absence if they choose to leave? Would I rather not let someone into my heart because upon seeing what is really going on inside of me they might pack up their bags and walk right back out? Oh the lies Satan spews and the lies we so quickly swallow. I choose to feel. I choose to feel a pain that has literally made me throw up, a pain that reached parts of my core that I never knew existed, a pain that doesn't always allow my fatigued body to physically rest. Because this pain comes with a glorious juxtaposition that makes it all worth it. The pain comes with a love that is so pure, so powerful, and scarily real. This kind of love I speak of never fails, and in it's perfection drives away all of my fears. This love is greater than the pain and far outweighs any suffering I have tasted. I see people now and I want to see their souls. I want to see what makes them tick and what is lurking just under the surface that plagues their restless nights. I choose love: inconvenient, inconceivable, irreplaceable, indescribable and indestructible love. I want to take chances and trust a sovereign God who didn'’t die or send his spirit for me to live a really safe” and “comfortable life but for a life that requires me to have great faith in HIS blood, in HIS word, in HIS authority....IN HIM. The Lord had to drag me into the most uncomfortable and unpeaceful place (me kicking and screaming the whole time) before I could really experience true rest, comfort, and peace, before I would trade in my complacent life full of agreeable circumstances that I mistakenly called peace for a messy life full of real pain, tears, a love that surpasses knowledge, and a peace that still surpasses any understanding of my human brain every single day. If getting to be alive, to feel and be not only affected but changed into something different, something better, something more like Jesus means letting in the pain accompanied with tears that make my face blotchy (I am not a pretty crier), sleepless nights, and living the remainder of my life on this earth without my earthly father than I choose that. Now is the time to dare to love, dare to be hurt, dare to be seen for the messes we all are, and to be wise enough to embrace the Lord and the redemptive work he is doing in the midst of our world and in each of our individual hearts. Jesus is all we have anyways (not in a last resort kind of a way but in a TRUE REALITY kind of a way. That has been the frustration of this week so far, I retreated back to the familiar role of "getting the task in front of me done all on my own” choosing not to feel or deal with any of it, choosing to numb the pain and cover it up with a band-aid that never sticks. And here I am again right back where I started humbled by the Lord's patience, in desperate need of his sufficient grace, and begging him to wake me up inside. I want to be apart of what he is doing and to forever quit playing "Hide and Seek". I just want to play "SEEK". . . No more hiding. No more hiding from you, no more hiding from God, no more hiding from fear or hurt, and no more hiding from me. This song provoked a lot of honest thoughts inside of me tonight; I lay my head down and feel bruised and broken but never more certain that though the Lord's love is looking considerably different then I had once known it to be, He is worth it, and there is life and healing in these wounds. This song made me long for what is real, no matter the cost.
"You could run from open arms,
Search the ends of all the earth,
Then there would be nothing,
No, nothing there worth keeping
So love the girl and don’t look back
Bruise your knees and break your back
For you may never get a chance to love like this one"
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Roller Skates, the 80's, and Chelsea
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Come in.....
What does your invitation say? While I hope mine would say, "Come and sit, take your shoes off and lie down. Let me cook for you, drink with me. Find rest and if for only a small while my heart's desire would be that you would hand me the burdens that are weighing you down. Laugh with me, smile, cry, be sad, be happy, be whatever it is that you really and authentically are... let me hold you, embrace you, comfort you, challenge you. I want to know with every ounce of me exactly what it is that you are feeling. I want to celebrate your greatest joys and crawl until I can meet you in your darkest hour. I want you to come and be loved, to feel understood, to feel loved, to feel accepted. I long to know the depths of your beautiful soul." Unfortunately for me, my invitation honestly says something more like, "I am tired, weak and weary. Sorry there is no room for you because I am trying to find strength on my own apart from Christ and all of my resources are exhausted and I am spent. I do love you but I have no rest to offer. Do you have any left over maybe you could spare some for me." Some of my days are like when you are in the car and you arrive to your destination, but you cannot recall one thing about the drive. I lay my head down and night and think, "What happened today?" I lead a freshmen bible study within my sorority and every week we talk about a different attribute of the Lord's beauty and thus what makes us beautiful, defines our worth and our identity etc.... last night was about being Inviting, about Christ invitation that always says, "COME!" I was going, not to explain what I have so tactfully conquered but to confess what I feel so defeated in. Well, when I got to the Pi Phi house they weren't there. I was so confused. I finally found one and she said that someone had told them they weren't allowed in the chapter room and their earlier event had ended forty minutes ago and so they all just thought it was cancelled. Hmmm. Strange. I got to talk to some girls in the house and then started on my way back home. On the way home the Lord settled my heart. It wasn't an accident. He had something else planned for the two of us. I went to express my inadequacy and how I long for the Lord to write a new invitation on my soul and trade in mine, and all the while there he was subtly and passionately whispering, "Shhh.... child of mine, spend some time with me tonight. Accept MY INVITATION to come and rest." I went home put on a face mask, poured a glass of wine, ran a bubble bath, and lingered in the Lord's presence for a good hour and a half. When was the last time I had sat with him and just talked to him intentionally, really asked him what he was thinking? When was the Last time I lost my way with words trying to tell him how I feel about him? When was the last time that I had made one of these kinds of emotional deposits into our relationship. Unworthy of His love, Undeserving of that moment, but so grateful. My heart feels close to him today. That is just so like him to surprise me with His perfect love, in the most perfect way. I feel alive and in love.
Isaiah 55:1-3
“Come all who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good. And your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; hear me THAT YOUR SOUL MAY LIVE.”
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Enough about me, I had been hesitant to write about this but I feel like you all should know kind of what is going on in the other Hooper's lives. My oldest brother, Scott, had been engaged to a young lady named Allison, and their wedding was to be next weekend. After a lot of working through stuff, they have decided that marriage is not what they need to do right now. Scott has experienced a lot of emotional heartache and it is just one of those things that you want so badly to help in the healing but you don't really have the answer or cure all for that kind of hurt. We love him and pray for him, and he is not alone. Scott and I were talking last week about everything and his trust in a most sovereign God is real and comforts his little heart so perfectly. We love Ali, and we love Scott, and we want God's best for the both of them and if that isn't each other than we wait with Great EXPECTATION at what the Lord has in store for them each. Please pray for his mind at work; as Scott's paradigm and world have been ripped to shreds, he is still at my dad's firm which is more or less in their hands. I cannot imagine how hard and unbearable some of his days must be. I love you Scotty...... SO MUCH!
Todd, my other adorable bubby, is doing great. He completed his masters in accounting in May and moved back home to be with my mom. Todd is picking up work at the firm with ease, and is enjoying being in the daily company with his brother and best friend again. Scott and Todd are so funny together. Anyways, Todd and Scott sit for the CPA exam soon and are studying like crazy (or should be), so please pray for their brains, that they would retain the information that seems lost in their college text books.
Mom is hanging out with her Zeta sisters from college this weekend. She is something special. She is the nicest most patient woman in the world. Our house has been under reconstruction all summer and is finally starting to take on a normal feel, but is by no means completed. My mom and I are able to share in our sadness, and she always makes things just a little bit better. Her presence in my life is like the best blankey I have ever had. She is tailgating in Lubbock for Tech football games, traveling with her church trailer group "The Holy Rollers" , and stays very busy with her social life. The whole family is working out at Larry North and mom is doing great. We are all so proud of her. Her friends love her and include her and take good care of her.
Okay that is more or less the update. Oh yea, I almost forgot. After much prayerful consideration I have decided that after graduation I will be moving to New York. I am excited about being with the Vassars and the possibility of having another job amongst the people I will be going to church with. JR and Ginger Vassar are dear friends of mine. They have played an irreplaceable role in my life and growth in the faith. In January they moved to the upper east side and planted (still planting I would say) Manhattan Christian Church ( Check it out. and better than that PRAY For them. They are so obedient and sincerely love Jesus. I am challenged by them, each of them, even their little girl, who is only in first grade. I love you all and thank you for your love and encouragement. Blessings.............
Thursday, September 15, 2005
it has been a while
Friday, August 26, 2005
Peace Peace and Some more Peace
The sorority I am involved in here at Texas A&M is called Pi Beta Phi. We do an event every year to raise money for the Barbara Bush Parenting center. It is a home run derby called “Pi Phi Playoffs”. Last year Pi Phi play offs was held on March 5. This was the day of my dad’s funeral. There is a philanthropy day during recruitment and it was on Wednesday. Basically there is a slide show and all of my friends were not in it because they along with me were at the funeral. And there I was, inconveniently and unexpectedly in the middle of a breakdown. I had to sit that first party out. Sometimes these emotions seem like they are just too much. But the Lord met me in Julia Miller and Lauren Pyne’s room in the Pi Phi house. He met me there crying on the floor, curled up in the fetal position. And that’s what he does. He comes to us and he hurts with us and he heals us in time. He gave me amazing grace to get through the rest of the day and an amazing word yesterday morning… he gave me the scripture I listed above and I am in the middle of a Beth Moore study that coincidentally spoke of peace yesterday.
Christ experienced peace in the midst of tears. Why did Christ Jesus cry? Because He saw the tears of His loved ones. He demonstrated His own love with tears of anguish, yet all the while His peace remained. Please understand this vital point of peace: peace means the absence of fear and turmoil, not the absence of pain and grief. It greatly concerns me when I fail to see those who have lost loved ones shed tears in the name of “peace”. Christ, Himself, grieved over the separation of loved ones as shown here in John 11, in the garden of Gethsemane and, finally, on the cross as He saw His mother’s pain and suffered the separation from his Heavenly Father. We can be filled with sadness and still possess a wonderful sense of God’s peace. Perhaps it is at that moment beyond all others when the peace of God transcends all understanding. OUT GOAL IS NOT THE ABSENCE OF SORROW IN OUR GRIEVING, BUT RAHTER THAT WE REFUSE TO GRIEVE “AS THOSE WHO HAVE NO HOPE” (1 THESS. 4:13). –Beth Moore
WHAT AN AMAZING TRUTH. I am convinced of his presence and the sanity His peace brings into my life and especially into those seemingly unbearable moments, where my heart physically aches and hurts inside of me because I miss him so deeply and longingly wait to hear him say my name. There is love enough for the taking… and so I take- LOTS! He is so good to me. Thanks for letting me share and vent. It is so good to expose my heart with you all. It just feels right and good. How grateful can we be that we have a God who isn’t distant or unconcerned but rather, one who cries with us, hurts with us, and comforts even better than my mom (and she is pretty good at it ☺). Blessings to you all!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Pi Beta Phi to Thee....
Monday, August 08, 2005
A Much needed Promise
I am so grateful for such a promise on this particularly low morning. With the fall approaching I cannot help but to think about how I usually love this season of the year. I have such happy memories from high school homecomings and football seasons. Our home and all of its elaborate decorations and the intoxicating smells that overflow from the kitchen, I think about Thanksgiving and how much my dad loved these feast and gatherings. He loved having all of t his little children under his roof once again. I hadn’t given much thought to my birthday this year, and still don’t want to. I know I am being dramatic but I almost don’t want to have a birthday, or a Thanksgiving, or a Christmas where the giant stockings my mom made are there, but he is not. My birthday is September 1, the opening day of dove season. I was reading this morning in Psalm 46 and tucked away in my old bible were a couple of e-mails that he had written me. I printed them off and put them there because I read them often. This is one he sent me the week before my birthday last year.
Hi There Young Lady:
Glad to hear you guys got back safely. Hope you are getting ready for
SCHOOL along with all of your sorority duties. It was nice to meet Paul. He seems like a fine young man and I look forward to getting to know him better. I just want you both to take your time in developing whatever this relationship is going to be. Time is one of the few things young people have in abundance. It is also something they seem to waste in the hurry of life and getting where they think they want to go. Be patient grasshopper,
and keep me posted.
My surgery currently looks to be scheduled on September 2. Bummer, as I had
planned on surprising you with my presence on the opening day of Dove season
for the first time ever. I don't know what Mom will do with her trip
planned for the first. I just know that I won't get to be there. For what
its worth, Scott and Todd won't get to have me with them on the first
either. I guess it will balance out. What I do not want is for everyone to
mess up their schedules trying to be with me for my surgery, or during the
weekend following for that matter. I want each of you doing the things you
need to be doing in your lives, not just mine. Be patient with Mom and love
her. She really needs everyone's support right now. I know you all will.
I've got to get gone, headed home you know. I'll get back to you soon.
Love You Bunches,
Paul and I ended up being friends for those of you who don’t know him or me… He has been a great support and source of encouragement to me over the last year and is a wonderful brother in the community of believers that the Lord has placed me in. Anyways I love this e-mail because it is so typical of my daddy to not want everyone to come home and worry over him, and more so to neglect our school studies. And here we go; a new school year is about to commence. I am a little scared but our Faithful Father will be there with me every step of the way, just as he always has been. What a hard time of year marked with wonderful memories and painful realizations of my new life physically separated from him for this short time that sometimes feels endless.
I went to Hale Center with my brothers over this last weekend and I believe it did my grandmother well to see us. Sometimes when she is talking to us she will just start crying. I know what she sees… she sees her son. I cannot imagine. I wore my hair curly and she just touched it and sobbed. No one else in my family has curly hair except my dad. It was emotionally pretty hard but so is life I am finding out… Please continue to pray for her. My brothers mean so much to me, the way they love me and take care of me. It felt good to fellowship with them. They will start studying for the CPA exam here in the next week or so. PRAY PRAY PRAY! They need to be diligent and to pass! They are brilliant and so precious and I know they can do it and with the Lord I know they will!
God is good and he sustains us. Mom and me will be joining Hallie and her mom, Bobbie in Florida on Wednesday for a final little summer vacation. I am extremely excited. I have a final that morning at ten (feel free to pray for that as well) and then off to the airport I go. I love you all and am humbled by the grace and new mercies that the Lord gives me extra portions of I am certain, and your many prayers. Thank you for being such wonderful hands and feet of our Savior. Blessings….
Monday, August 01, 2005
The Only Hope I've Got and the Only one I need
I have felt so robbed of the innocence that just might have been a mere illusion, but an illusion that had been a certainty and a staple in my life since the beginning. I just feel older. Along with my dad’s cancer and then physical death, I have had close friends experience divorce amongst their parents, seen adultery and affairs in marriages that I was praying and expecting to last forever, men I have grown up respecting in my church and out of my church act completely unethical in their businesses, how money has corrupted their once pure desires, how lust and small compromises have led to the demise and downfall of many around me and I cannot help but wonder where did it all begin? What were those first baby steps in the wrong direction that seemed virtually harmless? What small lies did Satan tell and little truths that were only slightly altered did these people believe way back in the beginning? I have honestly been so saddened. I came to some realizations in spending some much needed time with sweet Jesus this morning, my heart’s burdens for these people and their lives are only as good as I am willing to trust Christ’ redemptive work and healing blood in their story like I am willing to trust it in the story of redemption and restoration he is writing in me. The gospel is relevant and all people everywhere are in desperate need of Jesus, just as I have come to know that I am, in every single moment. I was distressed because how come my hope and joy was being altered by such life events? Is it sad, should I be sad over these things? YES! Of course it is sad. BUT my hope and joy come from something that has dominated this sadness and Satan. My hope and joy are incorruptible and should not waver with the ever- changing things of this world. My hope and joy are in our Precious Jesus, He is in the battle with me and has already won the war. I feel lighter this morning and not so tangled up in all of this mess. This living “in it and not of it” line gets so hard to find for me sometimes. We, as believers, certainly do have something to offer a world that is drowning in its insecurities, man built mansions, and its’ desire for more that will never be met apart from a relationship with their maker.
Mom, Scott, and Todd are doing GREAT! Me and the boys will be going to Hale Center this weekend. We are going to spend time with Granny (my dad’s mom)! Please pray for our time together. I pray that she would feel so loved and that we would be able to comfort her and bless her in our short trip. It will be five months tomorrow since my dad went to be with Jesus…hard to believe. I am so happy for him and his new home. Can you sit and dream with me for a while, what he might be doing in this moment? I love thinking about this. It has become one of my favorite past times. Praise Jesus for such a place of peace both in life and in my mind. I love you all and pray that you, too, would be restored to the joy of His salvation in your own life, that you would remember your first love and get excited about our King, His eternal plan, and His agenda for the entire world! Amazing! XOXOXO… blessings, Kimmy
Thursday, July 21, 2005
My Portion
My dad's mom lost her brother yesterday to lung cancer. He was diagnosed a week ago. She is sad, grief upon grief. The Lord is the only portion we need. This passage encourages my heart this morning... the absolute certainty that his compassions NEVER fail and mercies that are new EVERY morning. Praise Jesus indeed. I am on my way out the door to take a test and then off to HOME! Todd is back residing in Rockwall and we are all eating dinner tonight. When we sit at a table together we feel the weight of the missing man that has always been there but I draw a great comfort and strength from this banqueting table even now in his absence. This is my family. I love them.
Please continue praying for Carrie and Linda as they continue to teach, encourage, and motivate my brothers at the firm. They have both sacrificed many emotions and hours, carrying this business and equipping my very cute brothers. Thanks you two!!! Love you tons!
I love you all more than I can convey. Homebound, Kimmy
Thursday, July 07, 2005
This is what it means to be held.
Held- Natalie Grant
Two months is too little.
They let him go.
They had no sudden healing.
To think that providence would
Take a child from his mother while she prays
Is appalling.
Who told us we'd be rescued?
What has changed and why should we be saved from nightmares?
We're asking why this happens
To us who have died to live?
It's unfair.
This is what it means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.
This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we'd be held.
This hand is bitterness.
We want to taste it, let the hatred know our sorrow.
The wise hands opens slowly to lilies of the valley and tomorrow.
This is what it means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.
This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we'd be held.
If hope is born of suffering.
If this is only the beginning.
Can we not wait for one hour watching for our Savior?
This is what it means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.
This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we'd be held.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Every day is made New
You make all things pure,
Because of who you are and who I am in you,
You make all things true,
You make all things new...
And Im so thankful for this life that I know,
That I am no longer what I was,
Because of your love and the beauty of the cross,
I can see your work in me!
-Watermark, "All things New"
It has been a difficult couple of weeks and I think this summer is going to be one of healing and restoration. I should start with my new roommates. Amazing. The Lord is so crafty when it comes to the works of his hands and the execution of his will. My decision to move into the Dexter house with girls I didn't really know has clearly been a blessing and one of obedience. There is a spirit of unity that is nothing short of the inner workings of the Holy Spirit. If you walked into our house you would think that we have all been friends for years. The way they love me, pray for me, comfort me, really see me, and laugh with me breathe life into parts of my heart that have felt somewhat dead for a while. I dropped one of my classes and was going to continue the other one until I realized that I had tested out of it when I was still in high school. Lovely. So no more school right now. I want to tell you guys a little bit about some big changes that are about to start taking place. I, after much consideration and prayer, have decided to start counseling with a lady that my church family here recommended named Beth Roe. She is a Christian with a formal practice. I start this Tuesday at 2:00pm. I came to this decision a while back and am just now getting around to starting it. I wanted to start counseling for a couple of reasons, one being that I feel like I arrive to points where I am like, "Oh I feel this because of that..." and so forth, which is a good thing but I am hopeful that I will reach those points a little faster by talking my way through them. And two I feel like if part of the reason we encounter trials and hardships is to be able to comfort others who are going through similar adversities, then wouldn't it be beneficial to know more about what I am going through. The Lord has humbled me and brought me to a place to reach beyond my own capabilities. He reminded me that seeking godly wise counsel is a good thing and so here we go...
My mom got into College Station today and will be staying until Wednesday. She just purchased a new travel trailer and is at the RV Park. Hysterical. She never ceases to amaze me with her carefree spirit and willingness to move forward. She braves new adventures with such passion and courage. Her beloved friend Jo-Beth came with her and we all cooked dinner with them tonight. "We all,” being my new roommates. I just love people. I love laughter and the subtle comforts of home that constantly surround me, whether it is a candle that my mom burns in our house or the type of dressing she buys for salads. Tonight was wonderful. I am about to tuck myself away into my comfy bed and rest up for another fun-filled day with the madre. These are the days. They are the days that are seen and the days that are given, they are good because he is abundantly good. I delight in what he is doing. Todd finishes school up in two weeks. Pray for him that he would finish strong. And Scott is going through kind of a lot right now, personal stuff and work stuff. They just amaze me. I am getting to stop and rest but they cannot. And I know that they need it equally as much but the Lord has something different in mind for them right now, and that something does not include stopping. Oh how I love you all. I pray that the Lord is showing himself to each and everyone of you and that he has given you new eyes to see things that seem old, in a whole new way. Isn't that the nature of our God? To make things all new... Lord we praise you for that, we praise you for new seasons, new reasons to laugh, new mercies, and brand new beginnings. We love you and we need you right now in this moment.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Monday, June 13, 2005
A very Heavy heart.
I know that I have been a long time with the writings... I came back from Cabo and hit the ground running. I had already missed one day of class due to the trip and have since then only been in school for two weeks and we are approaching our midterm exams. Crazy. I will talk about the Hooper's in a second...
First things First... David Gilbert (a boy one year younger than me who attends A&M) has been back in the hospital for quite some time now. He is receiving his treatments and care at The Cancer research center in Houston. His white counts are low due to the Chemo and he is suffering from an infection. He is on a respirator. This all hits so close to home and I keep imagining his frail body and life held by the confident and steadfast hands of our Almighty God. Prayer is essential. I will let you all know as I get updates. David is amazing and LOVES the Lord, what relief this brings.
Okay so a couple of things... New York was amazing. It was so encouraging to see the city with new eyes and my dreams met a lot of realities. I have no idea what the Lord has in store for me regarding the big city but I am certainly able to pray with new insight. JR and Ginger were so inviting and wonderful, as they always are. We sat over dinner the night before we left (a box of delicious pizza) and it felt so much like home. It felt like home in every since of the word. I love our family of believers and that while we are away in the body we already have eternity actually dwelling inside of us banqueting over a table with others that will also take up permanent residency in heaven. Cabo was restful, relaxing, and very underserved. The Hix's were so kind to share their beautiful home and love with us for a week. It felt so good to sleep in and be with my mom. I hopefully will get around to posting some pictures soon.
And now the real updates about how we are doing... Scott is amazing. He is working and getting ready to be a husband to the wonderful Alison! They have been house hunting and are ready for the long distance to come to an end. I am just so in awe of him. He has taken on the roles of next in command with such care and precision. I feel like I have two dad's now and not just one. I have to answer the questions about the oil in my car, my checking account, and why I didn't call when I got somewhere to two boys now instead of just one. Please pray that Scott would be able to embrace each day one at a time. I don't know how he doesn't just get lost in it all. While he loves working in the office, it is sometimes impossible to escape sad feelings of being next door to what use to be my daddy's office.
Todd, got an "A" in his maymester and will be finishing his last class in graduate school in a couple of weeks. Todd is so brilliant. Scott calls Todd the dumbest smart kid in the world, as sometimes Todd can lacks in the common sense area(hehehe) I long for Todd to be in Rockwall and at home. My mom does too, however with Todd comes his two large labs Rowdy and Bear, which make the total lab count at 105 Shepherds Glen four labs in addition to Ali's maltipoo, Peaches. Todd is doing okay and we are all so proud of him for finishing school so diligently. Way to run and finish the race bubby!!!
Mommy,.. What a lady. While we were in Mexico mom was sad one night and I asked her what was going on. She told me that in light of Scotty's birthday (May 31st- he is 26!) she couldn't help but think about how thrilled she and my dad were when they found out they were pregnant. They had miscarried their first child and Scott was an even sweeter blessing. Sometimes I forget that they had this whole thing and life and relationship that had absolutely nothing to do with us. Which I am convinced is why they had such a fruitful marriage. They never forgot to take care of each other first and thus could love us so much better. She was telling me the look of pride in my dad's eyes and a undeniable acknowledgement of something so much greater than the two of them that could make such a miracle, a child of their own flesh and blood. "It was like at first it was just the two of us and then there were people..." hehe. I laughed. That is how babies are made I guess... My heart hurts for her in such a different way than it does for me and my brothers. I love you mom. I LOVE YOU MOMMY! i love you. I really do. She amazes me and encompasses unconditional love in a way I have never seen replicated. Her friends continue to be the body of Christ, loving her, protecting her, sharing meals with her, and praying for her.
I am doing okay. I am in it, so to speak. There is an actual physical pain in my heart and I have these moments that I find myself thinking to the Lord, bargaining with him almost. I tell him that I would do anything to talk to my daddy just one more time. ANYthing. It isn't rational, but true love never has been. All the while I smile at the TRUTH that there will be a day. There will be a day when my faith will be turned into seeing with my own eyes and cement that I once walked on will be transformed into gold, and the man that shares my genetic make-up will once again be more than pictures and amazing memories. He, like Jesus, I will see and touch in a whole new way. I am smiling through my tears. I can hardly wait. I want everyone to go to this place. I want the orphan that has Aids in Africa whose time is quickly running out to be set free and to know the truth about the God that so purposefully made them to go to this prepared place. I want the disease- infested, starving dying people in the trenches of Calcutta India to go to this place, to banquet at the table with a feast unfathomable. And I want the people of civil unrest and political riots in Bolivia due to their natural gas crisis, in which some have died, to know a never ending peace breathed by God. I want the Muslim girl in my class last semester to know our Jesus. This is not our home and we remain hopeful in our Jesus, His kingdom and ever so Confident in his consuming love and faithfulness.
I love you all and long to see you again. Your prayers and encouragement are always received with a heart that doesn’t think it could keep going without them. all my love....Kimmy
Monday, May 30, 2005
Big City, Bigger Ocean, Small girl
Monday, May 09, 2005
Too many to Mention...
The word I left out yesterday would be "some". "The reason SOME people don't bring it up..." There are many who do. The Lord has surrounded me with such a great cloud of witnesses and I am grateful. If I didn't mention your name, please know that I KNOW and APPRECIATE all of your prayers, love, and support. I was being EXTREMELY vulnerable and honest with some of the pain that I have been walking through when I wrote yesterday. I also must extend an additional "I am sorry" and "thank you". I am sorry if you are in my inner circle and feel like I have neglected you or the hurts and struggles that you are walking through. I am still learning to walk with this brokeness inside of me, and I haven't quite gotten the hang of it. Thank you for grace and patience. Thank you for seeing inside of me when I can't see outside of myself. I think that is what Jesus did. You all are like Jesus. I long to encourage you and love you any and every way the Lord stirs in me. I am going to work on a paper and to study now. This semester officially ends in less than 75 hours.
***Hello to Linda, Carrie, and the office; I miss you all and can't wait to see you when I get home! I think I will stop by for sure on Friday! Scott told me you all were cleaning out dad's office and I know that must have been hard. I am praying for you all! Love you!
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Not so much Over As Still going On...
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
As Iron Sharpens Iron
I know one of the most amazing children of our Most High God. Her soul resides in the most engaging and beautiful body, which some people probably miss out on the rest of her because they stop there. But inside of her, that is where a beauty untold lie. Her deep brown eyes, hold so much mystery, so many tears, and the same compassion as when I dream of looking into Jesus' eyes. As she sat across the table from me last night speaking about working with Romanian orphans for the summer and how her heart actually physically aches for a heart that proclaims God's seen and unseen glory, I am certain that the Lord had the most radiant smile pouring over her. He adores this liitle one. It is special the way he loves her, cradles her, sends her, and moves her. She responds. Satan lies to her sometimes, trying to make her believe that her hands are too small to do this work, that she isn't getting the job done. Those of us who have had the privelage of her presence know the depths of the absurdity this is. Her hands may be small but He uses those delicate hands to paint the fine print and details of things that big hands could never do. And her laugh. I have never heard an angel laugh, not to my knowledge anyways, but I am convinced that it sounds something like her laugh. Her laugh is medicine to my soul. There are truly moments that I just long to listen to her giggle in joy, laughing uncontrollably over things told and secrets between she and her maker. She delights in the small things, which makes for contagious laughter throughout every hour of every day. She is honest. I will never forget the moment she really stole my heart. We were sitting in my apartment my sophomore year, and she let me in with such grace. She talked of her father's death, her family, her pain, her joy, and a million other things. She invites those around her to be apart of her sanctification and we are all better for it. She doesn't have a clue as to the greatness she is. Her very presence soothes me. I can cry with her and I don't have to explain what I am feeling because she knows and she can cry the very same tears, and does. I think there are a lot of people in the body that are quick to say, "Well, let me know if I can do anything..." I am certainly glad that Jesus didn't wait for everyone to start asking him that before he started preaching, saving, and healing. Like Jesus, she doesn't just throw the invitation for help out there, but rather she observes the person or situation, finds the need, and simply walks according to love and meeting others around her where they are at. She acts with such confidence and serves with the strength of her Father. She looks at the scars her heart bears and doesn't always see the redemptive work that has made them shine with beauty because of His touch. She is humble, not fake "look at me I am serving and I want everyone to see how humble I am humble", but true humility. The same kind that Jesus had to have to walk amongst us and to pour his life out on our behalf. She spurs me on towards love and good deeds. I love you Tori.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Counting Months
Sunday, May 01, 2005
David Gilbert: This is my new friend and brother David. He was diagnosed with cancer this last summer and is back in treatments. He, from what I hear, is feeling pretty ill from the chemo he is receiving. Katie Bentel told me he just received a "prayer pager" and whenever someone is praying for him they call and it buzzes. There really is something to not feeling alone. I bet it buzzes so much it annoys him : ) (that is what I hope anyways) My heart obviously hurts for him in ways that it never could prior to walking through the disease with my daddy. I want you all to be so encouraged by David's great faith. He never complains or ask why? He often is the one who encourages others, funny how that happens sometimes. Let us keep his family in mind as well.
Amanda Cox: This is part of an e-mail her sister Erin sent me... "Amanda went to the doctor yesterday for her follow up. They removed some of the stitches from her neck. Her cut is about 8" along her collar -bone.
They informed her that the right lobe of her thyroid was completely ate up
with cancer and it had spread to the left lobe. THANK GOD they decided to
remove the whole thyroid because the original plan was to just remove the
right side. There are a few lympnodes that have cancerous cells in them
that they did not get. HOPEFULLY the radiation will kill what is left in
her little body. She is staying strong." We are HOPING and PRAYING that every single cancerous cell will be taken away!!!!
As I pray about these two individuals, I am once again faced with my mortality. Amanda and David are both so young, so courageous, so full of life, and I can't help but to think, even now, how I sometimes feel so removed from these things... like this could never happen to me. The Lord is abundantly patient with me and my limited human mind. I run around like I am in control and calling the shots all to often. Both of their stories stop me in my tracks, point me towards the cross, and cause me to walk confidently in my Jesus rather than in "Kim". We are his workmanship, his craft, made to do his work, and to LOVE & KNOW him deeply. That is all that matters in the end and now anyways. In the last month that my dad was here on this earth, he would start talking to me about "the office" or "work" and then he just stopped and looked at me and would say things like... "Oh, it is all going to be taken care of and go on without me...they really have been for a long time anyways. All that matters now and ever really should have mattered is that I love my God and that He loves me." Isn't it nice how simple life becomes when we look at the cross. I long to gaze upon the cross and the life and love that it brings into every single detail of the time the Lord has us dwelling in these earthly tents. The simplicity of the cross that breeds a life, death, and love that I can never grasp the depths of, covers me, moves me, and makes me whole. We are doing well. God is good, too good for these things called words. I am two finals and one paper away from the semester that I didn't want to be apart of in the first place. God knew that I could do it because He knew that He would do it and so here we are today. Thanks again for the prayers. I feel them everyday inside of me. I love you little family... Kimmy
Friday, April 22, 2005
***I have a new friend named David Gilbert (twenty year old from Texas A&M) and he was diagnosed with cancer this summer. After rigorous chemo the cancer seemingly left his body. It was rediscovered in his body about a month ago. He is at M.D. Anderson in Houston now and is fighting the good fight again. I will let you all know more as I receive news. He has amazing faith in His Jesus and hope pours from him.
***Amanda Cox, a girl I graduated from high-school with, just learned of her cancer too. She underwent surgery and will be starting treatment soon. She is so precious and I can only imagine scared to death.
I will keep you posted, BLESSINGS...
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Paint by Number
*Todd has a test today at 4:00pm (A BIG ONE) pray pray pray
*My family is doing well... you all are AMAZING!
all my love...
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
so life goes...
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
a love story today
This is an excerpt from my prayer journal from about a week ago. Can you believe my dad has already been with Jesus for over a month? It is crazy how quickly sand in this glass timer seeps out while we are living this life, that is but a breath. I am so tired. I mean so tired. I wasn't having serious trouble sleepling until this week. I can't go to sleep at night and I wake up after about three hours. My jaw hurts, abnormally and I feel like I am biting a stick when I sleep and I catch myself clenching my teeth throughout the day. I started praying about all of these things thinking maybe they were symptoms to a greater problem stirring in my heart, and well I just don't know. I think this is just hard. Nothing fancy or poetic, but certainly real...Real pain and sleepless nights that are ever before me. The Lord has been so gentle and caring with my heart. I was thinking about great love stories like Romeo and Juliet and how he would deny everything just to be with his Juliet, for her to really know his affection and loyalty to her. Jesus has been courting me for some time now, pursuing me, not pushing me. He doesn't want my love or tenderness to be demanded and taken captive, or out of obligation in the context of a relationship or contract. I am kind of funny in that I like to do things on my own, submitting to the love of my life, when I am walking in my pride, proves to be a difficult task. The Lord lets me wallow in my sick pride long enough for me to realize that I don't want me and I really just want him. All this to say in a very roundabout way, my heart has become so tender to Christ's sweet love and longing for me to feel safe, comforted, renewed and a strong sense of hope. When I think about all of the complilcated things going on in my life I get overwhelmed, I do not and cannot look at the cover of the box of the puzzle that is my life AND he is putting one small piece in front of me at a time. He has spaced my test out, giving my teacher's patient hearts, and is comforting me in the most specific and subtle ways throughout my day. He is speaking to me through his word, and it is more than just keeping me alive but giving me energy that I know biologically I do not have and my body cannot create. He has been so patient with me... waiting for me, loving me more than his own life, and he believes in me. He believes that I can make it and will be better for it, for that is my sanctification. I love my Jesus and He loves me. I want to share with you the word he gave me this morning, a familiiar verse that blessed me this morning in a whole new way...
Philippians 3: 12-14 "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. (13) Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, (14) I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
I pray that we would just LOVE our God and let him deal with the details, submitting to his craft as he writes the details of our life. I pray for an authentic sense of freedom, joy, hope, protection, and peace today that can only come from a pure unadulterous love, the love of our heavenly Father.
I love you all and can't wait until we are all seated at the same banqueting table, I miss you all... blessings
Sunday, April 03, 2005
good water
I write you with great conviction about this water that takes away thirst and how as a child of God I still am thirsty at times. I love imagery, word pictures if you will. I was thinking about my dad and how he doesn't "want" anymore. He doesn't want anything because he has EVERYTHING in Christ, in heaven. As I was envying my dad's completeness and intimacy with his maker, Christ interrupted my thoughts reminding me of the blood he shed and the Holy Spirit that LITERALLY dwells in me, as I type this HIS spirit is actually and truly INSIDE OF ME making my earthly shell it's temporary home, FOR THAT VERY REASON: I shall WANT No more. The pursuit of holiness and a relationship with Christ is one of this nature. Christ didn't want us to have to wait, that is why he gave his son and His inhabiting spirit. This is the water that takes away thirst altogether. I have really been thinking about our community in the faith and why some people loathe our family...I have decided that what an unbelieving world finds unbelievable about our God is not that we make mistakes sometimes but that if our God is really who we say he is, Sovereign, Perfect, and good and stuff, then why do we worry like the rest of the world. Why do I panic, why do we "stress out" why do we fear anything? If our family was one that exuded peace that transcended all understanding because we were in love with a God that surpassed understanding, One that we truly relied on and trusted in, then that is something that would make us believable, when the overflow of our hearts confessed the truth about Christ control and his prevailing will oppose to our cute bible verses that we tape up and yet continue to freak out, stress out, and try to take control because God just isn't really "doing the job". I stand before you, actually hiding behind my computer, and confessing guilty. Lord give me a heart that truly trust you. If I can trust you with my eternal destination and my heart then perhaps I can trust you with my busy schedule and the test I have on Tuesday. Increase my faith, be big because I am so small and be strong because I am very weak.
Thank you for your continued prayers...
1) Scott, Carrie, and Linda are working away... pray for their sanity and for Linda and Carrie's families. Work is taxing, long, and stressful right now for them all and pray especially for Scott's diligence and that he wouldn't be discouraged. He jumped into the deep end upon starting work. I LOVE YOU BUBBY!
2) My mom is a super star- she is seemingly doing well, just pray for her sweet heart that the Lord would continue to sustain her and comfort her... I think she starts at the Chamber this week!
3) Todd is finishing up his school, and is doing well. Pray for him as he still feels so far away. Pray also for his friends... Breenen Teel is one of Todd's dearest friends and is (and has) portraying the kind of friend I think Jesus wants us to be...unconditional, compassionate, and provides a lot of laughs for our whole family! The Lord is blessing Todd I am certain... LOVE YOU TOO BUBBY!
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Back to the Real World
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Restless Tonight
the LORD blesses his people with peace."
I am so tired but I can't sleep. I suppose this is normal in dealing with post death, but pretty new to me none the less. It is three in the morning and I have been tossing and turning for the last hour and a half. Thinking. My mind is just racing, not bad thoughts but a million of them. I think about heaven, God, my dad actually literally being there and not here, my mom, my brothers, I pray. I wait for calm but all I get is more thoughts. I went down stairs and got some water and then proceeded to find myself at my computer trying to pass this sleepless night. This is the most human I have felt during this whole ordeal...I know what you all are thinking, you ARE a human so that would be natural for you to feel human. Thank you, you have solved all of my problems. As well as my soul is I still dwell in this earthly body that isn't always at rest. I am a broken vessel with a Holy Spirit. What a paradox. It is similar to the meaning of Emanuel... "God with US". Now that is something that my mind could really go in circles with. Today was a great day, with another twenty-four hours of sobering truths, laughs, cries, sorrows, and joys. This messy life could only be made beautiful by way of our sweet Jesus, but because of him it truly is. There is beauty in him using me (the broken vessel that I am), there is beauty in life, and there is even beauty in death. Perhaps death is the most beautiful thing in life, ending our separation and shortcomings leading us to the very face of our Savior. Time hasn't for a second stopped or stood still even though I have from time to time. Can you believe that it has already been over a week since my precious daddy went to be with Jesus? I cannot. I was reading the 2 Corinthians passage that I shared at the funeral and thinking about the part that states that we always carry around in our bodies the death of Jesus and that is how I feel about my dad too. Even when I am laughing and having a good time it is still there, this hole in my heart, a missing puzzle piece. I am satisfied with Jesus it isn't a hole like that but more so just a piece that has been there ever since I have known this world and it was removed from my picture, or maybe his departure was another piece added in all actuality and it just feels like it is missing. Whatever all of this is, it is nothing I have ever felt before. Listen to me try to explain away my every raw emotion and feeling. You will have to forgive me; I do this sometimes. I am not in the least bit sleepy, even after I wrote...hmmmm that is usually a sure recipe for me to find my sleepy self again but I guess not tonight. I shall go sit with these feelings and pray. Sweetest dreams loved ones and I pray blessings over all of your sleep, because hopefully that is what you all are doing. XOXOXOXO.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Cute little daddy, It dawned on me that many of you who, had prayed so diligently for the man, had never seen him or met him.
Posted by Hello
Happy Belated Birthday
As I finished writing yesterday, I accidentally deleted the entire entry...that's technology for you. I opted to let it go and pick it back up tomorrow. Yesterday was my daddy's 55th birthday. The day we got home from the hospital, the day of his departure, McKelvey, a family friend in the fifth grade, looked up at me and kind of smiled. She said, "It's kind of cool that he died close to his birthday, well maybe not cool, but this will be his first birthday in heaven. I am sure they will have a cake, he won't need the cake but I bet if he wanted one Jesus would make him a really good one." I pray every day that the Lord would hand me over to the child within me's faith, it is so much greater than this grown up shell I live in. The noises have subsided, the people are gone, our house looks like an arboretum (it smells like one too), and this fading world continues to spin around us. Different. Nothing is quite the same, as was to be expected. My dad's notice to renew his driver's license came in the mail two days ago, and his home health care called to confirm an appointment for the following day. I suppose they didn't get the memo or read the paper. We all kind of go in cycles: laughing, crying, cleaning, eating (and then we start over). The Lord has proven to be so faithful in giving His peace, His protection, and His presence in the days past as I am confident He will continue too in the days to come. As it is all still setting in, the sobering reality of heaven and hell are too. Heaven is a real place. Our God is a real God. He is just as real in the moments that I "feel" Him as He is in the moments that I don't. He is as certain as the air we breathe. There is nothing more real or certain than Him. I am always comforted when I think about this truth, and my dad is believing it and living it in a whole new way. Amazing. The blessing that Jesus gives in Matthew, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet still believe," no longer includes him. He has SEEN and is SEEING in this very second. What am I doing today that would further me in this world rather than the inevitable real one to come? My prayer would be that we would "fix our eyes, not on what is seen, but on what is unseen; for what is seen is temporary and what is unseen is eternal." I love you all more then I ever could begin to convey. Please continue to pray for my family, as these new days have new joys, struggles, and hurts all their own. God is good. Blessings family...