Friday, August 26, 2005

Peace Peace and Some more Peace

Psalm 62:1-2,8 “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. TRUST IN HIM AT ALL TIMES, O PEOPLE; POUR OUT YOUR HEARTS TO HIM, FOR GOD IS OUR REFUGE.”

The sorority I am involved in here at Texas A&M is called Pi Beta Phi. We do an event every year to raise money for the Barbara Bush Parenting center. It is a home run derby called “Pi Phi Playoffs”. Last year Pi Phi play offs was held on March 5. This was the day of my dad’s funeral. There is a philanthropy day during recruitment and it was on Wednesday. Basically there is a slide show and all of my friends were not in it because they along with me were at the funeral. And there I was, inconveniently and unexpectedly in the middle of a breakdown. I had to sit that first party out. Sometimes these emotions seem like they are just too much. But the Lord met me in Julia Miller and Lauren Pyne’s room in the Pi Phi house. He met me there crying on the floor, curled up in the fetal position. And that’s what he does. He comes to us and he hurts with us and he heals us in time. He gave me amazing grace to get through the rest of the day and an amazing word yesterday morning… he gave me the scripture I listed above and I am in the middle of a Beth Moore study that coincidentally spoke of peace yesterday.

Christ experienced peace in the midst of tears. Why did Christ Jesus cry? Because He saw the tears of His loved ones. He demonstrated His own love with tears of anguish, yet all the while His peace remained. Please understand this vital point of peace: peace means the absence of fear and turmoil, not the absence of pain and grief. It greatly concerns me when I fail to see those who have lost loved ones shed tears in the name of “peace”. Christ, Himself, grieved over the separation of loved ones as shown here in John 11, in the garden of Gethsemane and, finally, on the cross as He saw His mother’s pain and suffered the separation from his Heavenly Father. We can be filled with sadness and still possess a wonderful sense of God’s peace. Perhaps it is at that moment beyond all others when the peace of God transcends all understanding. OUT GOAL IS NOT THE ABSENCE OF SORROW IN OUR GRIEVING, BUT RAHTER THAT WE REFUSE TO GRIEVE “AS THOSE WHO HAVE NO HOPE” (1 THESS. 4:13). –Beth Moore

WHAT AN AMAZING TRUTH. I am convinced of his presence and the sanity His peace brings into my life and especially into those seemingly unbearable moments, where my heart physically aches and hurts inside of me because I miss him so deeply and longingly wait to hear him say my name. There is love enough for the taking… and so I take- LOTS! He is so good to me. Thanks for letting me share and vent. It is so good to expose my heart with you all. It just feels right and good. How grateful can we be that we have a God who isn’t distant or unconcerned but rather, one who cries with us, hurts with us, and comforts even better than my mom (and she is pretty good at it ☺). Blessings to you all!

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