Thursday, October 13, 2005

Roller Skates, the 80's, and Chelsea

Originally uploaded by ephesians3kh2.
This is one of my dearest friends in the whole wide world, Chelsea. If you are wondering about the crimped hair, overdone blue eyeshadow, and the side pony-tails.... you are normal. This is not our everyday attire, but we did sport it to a crush party, AMC (Aggie Men's Club) roller derby. SO FUN! How grateful am I for a God that gives us stuff to laugh about, ways to play, and times of sweet release from all of the "real world" stuff that sometimes weighs on my heart (a little too heavily.) It was a fun night. Although I had a couple of brutal falls and I am paying for them still! All in all, for not having roller skated in eight years, I am chalking it up to a success!

1 comment:

Becca said...

kim you're hot. kthanks.

how are you doing? i haven't talked to you in decades. you should drop by plano if you are arounD sometime because i would love to see you!

<3333,becca payne

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