Saturday, February 26, 2005

A message of HOPE and desperation

Today as I sat with dad, he started looking and feeling extremely sick. His blood pressure dropped and his temperature surpassed 100. He has a severe infection and the doctors are not confident. My aunt asked if he was going to pull through, and he the ICU doctor simply shook his hand and said, "It's about a fifty fifty chance and there is just no way to know at this point." He went into the Medical Surgical Intensive care unit around 1:30pm. They are going to put him on a respirator (life support) and drain his left lung. His body is in shock. Seeing him in the midst of many different nurses and doctors , where only moments earlier we were just sitting together holding hands I was overwhelmed. I had to wear gloves and a robe in his presence as of yesterday and I hated how that must have made him feel, like he was something that I didn't want to catch. It is 5:00pm now and still no word. Please pray for healing, that the Lord will give his frail body strength to withstand all of this. Pray for His will to be done, and for His glory to be made known to all of us. I am hopeful in my precious Jesus, please come quickly sweet Jesus. Todd is on his way from the deer lease and is currently about forty-five minutes away. My grandmother is extremely unsettled. My dad's sister's flight lands at 5:30pm and his other sister, Deanne is already here. I am sad because I want to take the pain away. I want to see him so badly. It is so strange how he in theory is only down the hall behind some double doors in a sterile white room but how I feel like he is a million miles away. I love that man. He was one of the first people to teach me how to love, I mean really love, apart from Jesus...Please join me in asking for a miracle today. I love you all. I will try to let you all know as this temporary world unfolds around us, what is happening eternally in my story.

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