Saturday, February 26, 2005

Latest Report

Pray bigger than ever, for God is revealing himself to me more and more, and if I am seeing anything it is that our God is BIG!!! (AND GOOD) The doctors came to tell us in that scary way you know... Immediate family only etc... They said that they didn't think he was going to even endure the procedure. BUT HE DID! He is currently on life support (a respirator) and the draining of his lung was successful. I have seen him twice since the procedure. He looks scary, cold and off-colored. The Lord has given me grace upon grace and peace upon peace. I saw him at 9:00pm and it was divine. I haven't even wanted to cry around him. I just smile at him and he knows that I am smiling. He looked at me and I said, "Look daddy, no tears. You are doing great, and I have GREAT HOPE in what the Lord is doing." My calmness, WELL the calmness the Lord has given me, has honestly surprised me. Daddy is by no means stable, but he is doing better. His nurse is just about the most precious thing I have ever seen. She might be an angel. Her name is Katherine, all smiles and a gentleness that screams that GOD IS REAL AND IN THIS PLACE. She is also strong. There are angels in my daddy's room (Room 302) and a blanket of peace. I was praying over him and I asked the Lord to give me something to let me know that He hears me and my dad squeezed my hand and opened his eye. The All Sufficient one hears me, and my dad feels us praying. He is sleeping now after a large dose of morphine. Again the next 24-48 hours ARE CRUCIAL... we are not in the clear at all... pray pray pray. All my love, when I know something you will know something. The whole entire family is here and safe. Jesus, you give us eternal hope and the reality of your glory and victory, even now in this moment. You are good. Blessings loved ones.

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