Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Big day

Dad feels weak but is keeping in good spirit. He goes back today around 2:00pm for another chemo and hopefully, if his body can handle it, a week from tomorrow for one more. At this point they will run the test and we will know some results. Can you taste it? I eagerly anticipate the news and lab results. In the mean time... pray for my dad. He is so tired and in a great deal of pain. The swelling has gone down considerably... PRAISE GOD! He is still choking down every ensure, boost, and cream of chicken broth that he can, none of it pleasurable or tasty BUT SO NECESSARY. My dad's birthday is on March 7th and I am thrilled. I am working on a special surprise for him. I would tell you all what it is but then it wouldn't be a surprise. i love you all and continue to ask and thank you in advance for the time you spend praying for my dad and family. I take my test today at 11:30am... hip hip hooray! Feel free to shout one out for me around that time if you think about it. I love you all tons and bunches and I pray that we would all be changed by the power of God's infinite and sufficient love today- truly changed, that we would look more like Jesus when the sun sets tonight than we did when it rose this morning. Blessings, kimmy

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