Sunday, February 27, 2005


"Kimbo Kimbo where ya gonna goey-o, does your daddy know that you went down the street to meet a boy-eo? UH OH, Kimbo"...
My daddy used to sing this song to me when I was little girl (which feels like yesterday) I sang it to him tonight and I am sure that he heard me. I also sang hymns over him. He is just the cutest little man I have ever seen: so brave, so forgiving, so loving, and so strong. I just ran to a friend of the family's house, much closer to the hospital than our own house, and grabbed a shower. We can't see my dad until 10:00am tomorrow morning, and I am off to the hospital to sleep. My dad's heart rate dropped some more to 130, opposed to the 150 it reached yesterday. It is still high due to the blood pressure medicine. My dad has an infection, a virus if you will. They are growing the virus in a culture and we will know exactly what it is in two more days. Tomorrow they will know what family the bug is in, and be able to treat it by prediction and than by Tuesday, accurately. My dad's body is still in shock. Shock apparentlty can last a couple of weeks to months. Prayer needs at this point would be that my dad would maintain good vitals, his temperature (101.1) would go down, and that the shock would leave him MIRACULOUSLY FAST. Shock is bad. He is still on life support and still draining fluid from his lung. His urine is great, which leads me to my next point...His Kidney is doing AMAZING... his nurse Katherine told me that he had a super kidney. I love you all and we have loved all of the people who have offered to help, the many prayers, and the people that have stopped by Medical City to give a good hug. My dad can't talk but he knows we are there, and he feels the presence of your prayers. I have never felt so close to the Lord as I have sitting at my dad's side, litteraly seeing him breathe every breath into my dad. Some call it life support, I call it the ultimate One who gives life. If life support is the air we breathe then the way I see it, we are all on life support... the life being the one God has given us to stick around in this earthly tent that we dwell in to proclaim his goodness and glory and the support being, the fact that he not only gives but sustains every breath that we take. Sweetest dreams family. Rest easy for our MOST FAITHFUL father has us right where he wants us to be...resting in his promises, goodness, and love. Who needs answers when you have a love that is true and right and real and a Father that is EVERLASTING and NEVER ENDING. My dad and I will at some point know temporary seperation but never eternal. Praise Jesus for his blood and the grace he has shed upon my family. night night.

1 comment:

jdh said...

the list is long, but i am definitely in the top 50 (chronologically) on the boy list: sat-behind-kim-in-ms.-greenwalt's-class-but-never-actually-dated-her-boy

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