Saturday, February 05, 2005

Keep on Keeping On

Katie McNeill sent me a care package to my home in Rockwall. It was the perfect touch at the perfect time. Thank you for that bug. Well, I came home on Thursday but will be leaving tomorrow due to some necessary restoration and fun. Katie and I have a date in College Station. I love being here. I know that you all know this but I just can't help but telling you all over and over; it is so soothing and full of comfort. Todd made it safely and actually doesn't fly out until Tuesday. Little Toddy feels so removed from all of this because he can't be here as much as the rest of us. I hate that for him. He is so strong and I am so proud of him. He has nine hours left in grad-school and is quickly finishing those up only to come back to Rockwall and work. I love Todd so much. His heart is so tender and I see so much of my dad in him. I am sleepy again... I think I am always sleepy when I talk to you guys. Know that I am only referring to my physical entity. My brain, emotions,and love life with Christ are OH SO AWAKE!!! Scotty is in Midland for Ali's grandfather's funeral and will be driving a whole lot on Sunday. He goes from Midland to Lubbock, where he will be collecting my grandmother, and then driving all the way back to Rockwall. EEEK! Please pray for his safety. My didi is well. The copious amounts of medicine and all of their fun side effects make for some interesting comments, thoughts, and feelings. We just have to laugh some times. He had a really long day, the hardest one since he has been out of the hospital. The sores in his mouth are really bad. They keep him from eating and that is a problem. He also can't really keep anything in his system. His red blood cell count is good, due to the blood transfusion he received last week (THANKS for all of you blood donating people, I feel more responsible for giving my healthy and happy blood thinking about all of the different things it does!) However his white blood cell's are extremely low, these are his blood cell's that will enable his body to fight off germs, viruses, etc... It is crucial that his white blood cell count goes up! Also, he has his third round of chemo on Monday. His body is weak so we continue to pray for his strength. Our tentative plan is to get him on some home health care stuff starting tomorrow. He needs fluids and nutrients in his body. I took him to have his lab work done and he was just completely spent from the event. My family's faith is growing, every single one of us. How redeeming is that? Very. His kindness and goodness are unpredictable and perfect. He has lavished his love and peace upon us and it is a good place to be. Good and painful. Oh how I love you all, and I know this journey is so long and some of you may be growing weary in praying but keep on keeping on... Our Father in Heaven hears his little one's cries and he delights in persistent prayers, when we regularly cry out to him, adoring him, and confessing the truth that he knows far more than we do, that we need him so badly. May his peace that surpasses all of your understanding guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus... sweetest dreams loved ones

1 comment:

Amanda Michelle Morrison said...

I Love you So much Kimmy! Your words are strengthening my faith and the faith of people here that you dont even know....I gave your website to the girls my my bible study and many of them have read it and been in complete awe of you and the way you are handling all of of them said and I quote, " I have such a respect for this girl and I dont even know her!"~ I would say that I feel the same way for sure and am blessed to know you! Have a great weekend. I wil be home Feb 18-20 for D-now weekend and I would love nothing more than to see you anytime I can that weekend! Much Love~Mo Mo

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