Monday, February 07, 2005

Let Me Err On the Side of Belief

What a crazy weekend. Time at home, though short, proved to be so encouraging and purposeful. Dad isn't so well, still fighting with the Chemo, and thus had to be taken back to the hospital on Saturday. He is still there and we are uncertain exactly how long he will be staying at Medical City. Scott had a severe panic attack thirty minutes before Ali's grandfather's funeral and was rushed to the emergency room. He also was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. He is dealing with so many different things that are all demanding different parts of him, and he is tired, and drained in every possible way that a human can be. Upon receiving the news about dad, and acquiring the beautiful kind Allison as his bride to be, he essentially has jumped into the family company full throttle and in the commencement of tax season- Overwhelming to say the least. May the Lord's infinite peace and grace sustain Scott. He is doing a remarkable job at life. Also how sweet it was for Todd to be with us. I love my family; they are a haven and put me in my place, which is a good thing :) Moving on...

I am doing a bible study by Beth Moore, called Believing God, with Chelsea Adams. How perfect and intentional is the Lord, as we decided this long before my dad's latest prognosis. I have been meaning to share this with you all and it just has taken me a while to get around to it- my apologies... I am going to share a passage with you from an earlier weeks study...

Christ gave no time qualifier when He said, "Everything is possible for him who believes'" (Mark 9:23) On the subject of miracles God left so many explanations unsaid that all of us are at risk of error on how to approach them today. I can't help but think that if I err, LET ME ERR ON THE SIDE OF BELIEF. You can't loose when you earnestly seek God. Even if you don't find the answer, you find the Author.

This study has been amazing and I am falling in love with Jesus in so many new ways. She discusses many different reasons why Jesus performed miracles. Sometimes he did it to reveal his glory, because he saw great faith, because he saw great need, because He was moved with compassion, because God sovereignly appointed it, and for reasons beyond our understanding. Who knows what all the Lord's doing through this ugly disease. But I do know that He is good. I also know that I can trust him. I find myself trying to figure Him and His plan out all the time; I bet he laughs at me periodically. I end up in the same place every time... on my knees confessing that He is God and I am not and that I need him, I mean I really need him. I continue to pray and I continue to pray blessing upon you all. You are all so selfless and your faith that Christ is who he says He is humbles me and encourages me to keep believing and to keep trusting and to keep praying things that are only possible with our King.

PRAY! (Maybe some of you all prefer my request in list form, I really like list.)
*COMPLETE REMOVAL OF EVERY CANCEROUS CELL IN MY DAD'S BODY (if you think I am crazy that is fine by me... I pray that the Lord would increase your faith as he continues to strengthen mine regarding his ability to do whatever He wills and pleases.)
*The sores in my dad's mouth have shown no signs of healing, I wish you all could see them because I don't think that this sentence does justice to how painful and well just annoying they are.
*That the chemo is working
*His white blood cell count is too low.
*That Todd would have a safe flight tomorrow back to Lubbock.
*For my mom's sanity and peace of mind. She is so amazing and pray for continued renewal of strength
*My dad's mom is back and staying with us for a long while
*Please pray for hard working Scotty. He is doing so well and needs the Lord's encouragement and true peace every day. He is such a blessing to our family and a good laugh when we all need one! (I love you bubby)
*That the Lord would continue to remind me of His goodness, that I wouldn't miss it in the daily details that he so carefully speaks to me in, conversations, rain, old friends, new friends struggling with totally different life things but depending on the same faithful father, and in good meals with even better room mates. I love you all XOXOXOXOXO (take the hugs and kisses as appropriate, they are gender sensitive...hehehe I am a dork!)

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