I think this idea is completely brilliant. These photo books are little accordion folds with ribbon. The books are beautiful and too many pennies for me, but I was thinking you could create a similar item and have your local printer print them for way less? You could find ribbon you liked and make a sweet gift for someone, a memoir of sorts from a past trip with ticket stubs, favorite snapshots, subway maps...me oh my the possibilities are endless! Good Stock
My papaw plays the accordian for real. Happy Wednesday!
Favorite spot:
Reading chair in my bedroom
* Favorite city:
Paris “America is my country and Paris is my hometown.” - Gertrude Stein
* Favorite music:
my beau's
* Favorite French word:
Promenade (to take a leisurely walk…ummm yes please)
* Favorite past time:
Just sitting with a good beverage (red wine, coffee, sparkling water) either writing or tearing things from magazines that inspire me.
* Favorite book:
A Severe Mercy, Sheldon Vanauken
* Favorite dream:
Being a good wife, getting to be a mom, my husband getting to share his songs with the rest of the world, while I write and bop around with him on the road.
* Favorite Vacation Spot:
Ocean. I feel as small as I really am with my toes in the sand with the tide brushing my ankles.
Oooo me likey.
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