Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Come thou Long Expected Jesus

We just talked to the doctor, Dr. Wait. Dad's counts have shown no sign of improvement and if anything else are a little worse. No platelets or white blood cells. He will die unless his body starts producing them. They are giving him a drip, Nupagen, that is supposed to stimulate his bone marrow and make it reproduce white cells quickly. His body has not responded at all. The chemo eats them away just as fast as they enter his body. This afternoon they will be taking him to another floor for a CT scan. They wanted to put contrast (dye) in his stomach but his body would not be able to endure this. Instead they are just going to do the scan and hope to see something. Even if they find stuff in his brain, chest, or stomach they won't be able to do anything to help him; it would most likely require a procedure or surgery and he wouldn't make it. That is, unless it is something they can treat with anti-biotics. His GI tract isn't moving and bacterias will soon start seeping out of it into his bloodstream; these become toxic and will also kill him. Indeed, only a miracle will save his little body. I told him today that if he was going home, if he could please take me with him. I want to go and be with Jesus so very badly. I have not given up and will continue to be hopeful. After all "faith is the substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things UNSEEN. What is seen is death and what is unseen is the possibility that the Lord will do what only he can do and deliver him from this disease. The other present fact is that, we are only treating symptoms of shock right now, not dealing with the actual cancer itself, and we can barely keep him somewhat stable. They had to use the paddles on him when they put him on the life support, which was expected because his body was trying to push air out of him but now that he is semi-stable we have decided to let him go peacefully , if his body shuts down again . Be encouraged, this is not me quitting, more so stating some facts and acknowledging what we have been praying for this entire time, that our God is a miraculous God, one fully capable of healing and bringing the world unto himself. He is holding my dad's life and my heart so very tightly. Please pray for his strength, his white blood cells, his fragile life, and that God would do the conceptually impossible. I love you all and am overwhelmed by your faithfulness to our family in Christ. May the Lord's hand comfort you all and bless your fruitful prayers, your labor is not in vain. We will know more later this afternoon, probably around five or six; I will let you all know. Blessings ....

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