Monday, May 26, 2008

My beloved

en•gage•ment Spelled Pronunciation[en-geyj-muh nt]
1. the act of engaging or the state of being engaged.
2. an appointment or arrangement: a business engagement.
3. betrothal: They announced their engagement.
4. a pledge; an obligation or agreement: All his time seems to be taken up with social engagements.
5. employment, or a period or post of employment, esp. in the performing arts: Her engagement at the nightclub will last five weeks.
6. an encounter, conflict, or battle: We have had two very costly engagements with the enemy this week alone.
7. Mechanics. the act or state of interlocking.
8. engagements, Commerce. financial obligations.
I am officially engaged to the most precious man in the world. Christopher James Pearson and I are getting hitched! The whirlwind of dates, budgets, phone calls, and photos has begun. So many people have called and inquired thus I thought it might be easier if I just tell the tale here. Chris and I shared our two year anniversary on May 21st and he was taking me on a special date last Friday (May 23rd) to celebrate. I went ahead and brought my fancy clothes to work, figuring I would need to go ahead and get ready at the office in order to meet him on time. As I was packing up and walking out of the office, several of his guy friends were lined up in black suits wearing black sunglasses. They each handed me red roses and escorted me outside into a white limo. The limo took us first to the church Chris and I have been a part of for over a year. Being a part of this body of believers has enriched our spiritual lives and cultivated deep love for Jesus and one another. They took me into the sanctuary where two more of his friends were standing with two more red roses and a card. They walked me back into the limo where we then toasted with Dom Pérignon. Yum yum. Side note: when you give boys champagne and costumes they act like suppressed girls. We then traveled to Addison where Chris and I shared one of our first dates together. Two more of his friends, two more red roses, and another thoughtful card were waiting. After I was placed back in the limo they blindfolded me and led me to my final destination. Jake Lester’s sweet voice awaited me there and took me to my beloved. Chris took the blindfold (green bandana that didn’t match my very cute dress) off of me. We were in a gazebo in Highland Park that Chris and I had frequented before. There were white candles and crimson colored petals that adorned the space where we stood, the space that would host the exchange of a commitment that would seal our future. Chris was anxious and nervous in the good way. He said really kind and true things and then got down on one knee. Come on people some things are personal, only meant to be shared between a party of two. Shortly there after we got on our knees and thanked the creator of Love for the gift of love itself. He took me to a restaurant where most of our closest friends and family were there waiting in excitement and joy. It was the warmest reception I have ever been greeted with.
Thank you deeply for all of the people that made our night a part of yours. People even drove in from out of town and changed travel plans to share in this special day with us. How sweet is our God that he would give us a companion that would accept the ugliest parts of us and give them the persistence, grace and courage to unveil and help us through it? That I wouldn’t have to walk the plank of progressive sanctification alone? Our God is a good God. I miss my dad. I feel strong and confident because of the love he gave me and the character he instilled in me. I feel that I am rising to occasions that he prepared me for and yet he isn’t here to share with me the fruits of his labor. And then the Lord reminds me, He is actually experiencing them wholly and perhaps I am the one who only knows the gifts in part. He is living in what remains imagery and hope to me. People say, “But your dad is here.” Or “He sees you.” And they mean so well. The truth that is given to me in the Bible wouldn’t suggest that he is some mystical spirit all around or that God will page him to the observation deck of heaven to watch his only daughter get married or be proposed to. Wouldn’t the majesties and beauty of His savior be captivating enough to hold his attention there? The Lord’s faithful promise to be a father to the fatherless is enough to cover and sustain me during this time. I don’t need the uncomfortable stabs at falsities that would submit that my dad is all around or staring from above to make this pain ease. Hurt hurts. God heals. God mends these wounds and breeds intimacy in the inmost places of my heart that no man can reach. Chris is an incredible man. He isn’t a lover of money or held captive to so many of the things of this world that I and others are. He wants togetherness and for the people to gather and share so badly. He draws me out of the most selfish parts of me. This sanctifies and challenges me daily. He lives intentionally and honors God with the talents that have been given to him. For those of you who know me but don’t know him, I hope you have the privilege of spending time with him. You will meet a part of Christ that is inviting, genuine & fun; you will meet a part of Christ that is elusive in the busyness of today’s fast paced microwaved world. You will meet a free man and I get to marry one. I am blessed beyond words. Thank you Jesus. Special thanks to Shaun Menary. Shaun is a gifted photographer and sacrificial friend. He is always pouring himself out, humbling us all with his gift to find and capture beauty through his camera lense. Thanks buddy. Check out to see more of his work!

1 John 4:19: We love because he first loved us.

Overwhelmed with joy and gratefulness, KH


Anonymous said...

Oky doky Miss Kimmie, that successfully made me cry! None the matter!
I am SOOOOOO happy for you! Our talks about marriage and love and precious boys.... I praise God that He has this amazing man for you and that he is an amazing servant of the Lord who seeks His guidance for your marriage.
I pray your marriage will be immensly blessed and you will be able to pick out abundant joy that God is pouring out on you and your beloved even on tough days.
Congrats Kim! You're going to love the gift of marriage!!! Love you!!!!

The Chaplins said...

Congratulations, beautiful! I can't explain how excited I am for you. Let me know if I can help in any way. I love you!!!

Megan said...

How crazy is this... I've been wanting to call and ask all the details, but have had a few things standing in my way - first, I actually don't have your number and second I know we are both busy with work, and now you are busy with other things :) Shaun's pictures are gorgeous, but it's precious to read the story behind his photos. I really am so happy for the two of you. Your relationship is encouraging and such a blessing. I love you both! Congrats again!

Megan said...

sometimes I don't complete one thought before moving on to another thought.. so here is a continuation of my previous comment -- the crazy part is that I was looking through my favorite's for the web site for the movies in Waco, and I saw one link labeled "Kim's blog". I forgot not only that I had it saved but which Kim it was... So linking over to your page was just an unexpected suprise and blessing :)

Megan M.

Rachael said...


Hi, I found your blog through Suzy's. I am so happy that you and Chris are engaged (and I love the way he proposed...Aaron did it in a similar way, but without the multitude of escorts). I bet it was amazing and I can only imagine how excited you are! You are going to be a beautiful bride and a wonderful wife.


Michael said...

incredible! I can't wait to sit down with Chris and talk about this. Pic's were great as well as your words. Congrats!!

Kari Simpson said...

I am so excited that I stumbled onto the link for your blog! I had already heard your exciting news but had so much fun reading your story...I am so thrilled for you!! What a great story y'all have :) You've now been added to my favorites so can't wait to read updates!
Love ya! Kari

Anonymous said...

We don't know each other, but the night you got engaged some girls and i that do childcare at the village were hanging around outside the church waiting for some friends, wen the limo pulled up. We were all very nosy and wanted to know what was going on. I seen Jacob Combs and I think Ben Terry. They were definitely in character and looked like CIA agents. My husband later spoke to Jake and he told what had been going on.
It sound like such an amazing night, congratulations on your engagement, and look forward to marriage, I personally think it is one of the most amazing gifts that our great God gives us.
In Him
Caroline Mays
p.s you may know my brother in law Trent Mays he and Jake the snake and Ben are good friends.

Sir Jackson Peaks said...

Your writing is such a breath of fresh air. Don't stop.

Best wishes and congrats!


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